For you

This is for Elisa. She needs to know how to post pictures. She says it isn't as easy as it seems. Tyler, you shouldn't have left us. This picture was taken at Morgan and Nathan's wedding. I lived with these three girls (drea, Heather and Elisa) in Cabin 1 and Cabin who cares. It was fun.
Who's the blond chick making the weird face? She's HOT!! I mean, not just pretty-bordering-on-beautiful, but HOT!!!!!
not funny!!!
see, you ARE hot. No matter what labels i put on it, you definitely turn heads....
you kinda look like a fish in that picture
BeeJay stop leaving comments posted as anonymous on this blog.
i'm not!
Yes I am - I lied!!
I'm such a crafty little person...or am I? Sometimes I even deceive myself ;) wait, who am I?
tyler!!! that's not fair!! you can't use my password to break into my own blog to post about myself!!! total violation. by the way. you should click on the link to your name in this post. he he he. ;)
just for that i'm doing it one more time - I already clicked on it...that's why i posted, not funny earlier
Beej, please. I'm your SnackPack. I knew that wasn't you posting. See how I got the little weasle to come out of hiding? I'm crafty like that.
Hey, how do you get your comments to say "beej" or "the real bj" ???
ahhh, apparently I figured it out on my own. chalk that up to craftiness too. tyfighter, where are we on that e-mail that beej and I sent you of all my links???
bj-so here is the context of the quote on my blog. These two types of climbers are two types of mountain climbers. It's basically how each climber experiences the climb. There are obviously some large parallels with how you can go through life...fixated on the destination or focused on the journey...
Talking about Lumps .. is that the actual title of the song or you are just being PC on my blog ... I think the righ word starts with h .. I was actually going to post a comment on that song a couple of days ago cause I was watching the video on yahoo music and I just couldn't finish watching it cause .. well it was too much, so .. no comments. And the Outkast song, it was just whatever was on on the radio at the time ... I know .. excuses. It's not like I was shaking in the library although that's an appealing idea, this place is so dead, I mean, this is a medical school, we are studying to save lives but in the process I think we let part of our personalities die a bit. God don't let that happen to me! Anyway... that's for the honesty, it's much appreciated. I hope I get to see you whenever I go to KC in Nov. And about godliness ... we gotta pursue it ... word.
What dreams are mad of, indeed. Thanks for the advice ... I'll switch that part that says
What you gon’ do with all that junk?
What you gon’ do with all that funk?
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