Grace like rain

It should be said that I LOVE thunderstorms. And tonight, my friends, we had a doozy. I was out with a friend for dinner and when we were getting ready to leave the restaurant, the rain was so thick you could barely see across the street. Being the gentleman that he is, he offered to go get the car to pick me up. I just looked at him and said, "Are you crazy? I live for this! I love walking in the rain!!" Some of my favorite memories from college are when Ali and I would drop whatever we were doing and go for a walk in the rain. Oftentimes when it is raining here, I long for Ali to be close by so we can go for a walk. There is absolutely nothing sweeter than going for a walk in the rain with a dear friend. (Or a bike ride as the case may be, right Courts?) :)
Just looking around on the Internet for pictures to post, I found some amazing ones. And you would think, being an IP Paralegal and all, that I would know the copyright rules about posting someone else's picture on your sight, but I don't. But for a really cool collection of lightning photos, check out this website. My personal favorite is in the bottom row in the middle. Quite possibly the best photo of lightning I've ever seen.
Why do I love thunderstorms so much, you may be asking? The bold and awesome display of God's amazing power and the reality of His ability to smite us without a given notice. I remember one night, before Mikki got married, we were both staying the night at my parent's house. They live up on a hill with very few trees around and there was a MASSIVE thunderstorm going on. I crept into Mikki's room at about 2 or 3 am to see if she was awake and I found her sitting in her window seat watching the storm. I went over and sat next to her and we just sat there in silence for maybe an hour or so....In awesome amazement of God's strength and power displayed through such glory that still makes me weak. It is so amazing to me that the most damaging and powerful storms we face in the Midwest are also the storms that nourish the ground and enable life to grow more abundantly.
And you know what I love most about huge thunderstorms or even tornadoes? The morning after. What's the first thing you hear when you step outside? The songs of the birds. Even though the birds arguably have the most vulnerable position in which to weather the storm and are undoubtedly having to face damaged homes and injuries, the greet the morning with a song. The air is fresh, the grass is green, and brightness of the sun makes you forget just how dark the night was.
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you." Psalm 84:4
I just have to ask...did you really take that storm photo? I suppose your trying to show me up w/ your killer photography skills?
if you didn't notice, my husband made a fool of himself by showing you he replied before he even read your post. i, of course, did and was inspired. yes, bj, i remember that night and it was a sweet night. i wish i had a good post to sit at now like that window seat at the other house.
I love you my friend, I'm in another city now...but that doesn't mean our adventures have to end. Talk and see you soon
Hey Beeja.
I'm sad because Tyler's gone. And because my life is about to change. And because of all the huge disclaimers you put on our contract to live in the same city...
Hey BeeJay!!
Sorry, I'm at the front desk today, that's why I couldn't write you back. But I love you and I'm sorry you're sad... you're in my thoughts. oxoxoxoxo
Mik and dan - had such a great time yesterday. Your little bubby is quite the charmer! :)
Friend - I thought you said you didn't say that often.... ;)
Triz - Thanks for the love. I thought you were just wrapped up in stuff. Keep me updated on the CT stuff whenever you hear anything....I want to know what's up. (Same could be said with the MW stuff....) :)
I don't...but I wanted you to have it in writing - so you always know
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