Nothing Compares

What a blessing of a weekend this has been! Definitely one of those times where I want to go back and hit rewind to live it all again. Dylan came to visit, Drea was in town, babysat Emory - who completely stole my heart, listened to lots of live music which makes me smile, got to spend time with Nathan and Morgan, spent a bit of time with Becca and Nate, ran into random friends, spent some good time alone, just had a great phone conversation with Al.....All in all, it has been great. And I still have the rest of today and tomorrow!
I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions of what I want in life right now and what amazes me most (in a bad way) is how self-centered it all is. What have I done for the Lord today? I'm not sure. What have I asked from the Lord today? Where do I start.....All I ever do is ask.
In other thoughts, I really enjoy music. I love listening to a good band play live. Doesn't matter what type of music really....As long as it's played well. This weekend, I got to hear some really great live music (Third Day, Bethany Dillon, Jeremy Camp, Mercy Me, The State...). What's best about these groups is that not only is their music good and creative, it also speaks directly to the heart. There is nothing better than great music with even better lyrics. In honor of music today and bands who have fought hard to make their voice heard, I am including a top ten list of music that I never get tired of listening to - whether it be a particular song or artist. Enjoy.
1. Sister Hazel (favorite as of late)
2. Third Eye Blind (In particular Narcolepsy)
3. Shane and Shane
4. John Denver (I love the songs Matthew and For You)
5. Fall to Pieces (Avril Lavigne)
6. Ed Cash (Bercos - you know the song I love)
7. Watermark
8. Dave Matthews
9. Don't you know I've always Loved you (Third Day)
10. Spoken For (Mercy Me)
There you go. Look them up of you so choose. There are often times when I just flat out don't know what to say yet there is always at least one song that says it perfectly. Kind of like the book of Psalms - which coincidentally is mostly songs. Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Take note, friends. I have run out of things I want to say.
Peace out.
Thanks for the note & message...I really don't mind when 'the day' is forgotten or passed over by others...but thanks for the kindness of remembering. Does your Honda need a timing belt? i know how to do these now. My rate is only a steak dinner per job...
p.s. from MC:
a steak dinner with his wife that is. . . .
HAH! I LOVE avril levigne, "fall to pieces" it is the heh heh
Might I recommend a song I've had forever...and never really listened to by the Hazelnuts - It's entitled, "Another Me." From the lyrics to the depth of sound - all around a "10." Possibly tonight, though I'm heading back to school until late, and then am getting up super early, I will be posting this bizzare dream I had. Very bizzare - and it's put me in a very lowsy, bitter, annoying, crabby mood all day long - I'm reluctant to even post it, but I want insight into the things behind it - knowing you're good at it...I'd appreciate any thoughts. I feel like I have some thoughts on origin for many aspects of it, just wondering about the rest. It is definitely a dream reflecting the person, my faith, etc. that we discussed at 54th the night before I went to MN. Let me know your thoughts
BJ I miss you! Blogspot is so much more aesthetically pleasing than Xanga, I covet your site whenever I visit. Maybe soeday I will upgrade, and be like you! Love,b
(i hate typos)
Yay, Becky! I miss you too! Did you see my comment or is it totally a coincidence that we ARE the same person?? And I must not claim glory for the move to blogspot. That must be totally blamed on Tyler. Maybe we can move you too, though. I like it. ;)
Ty - good song. I definitely look forward to your post... Get ready, though. Sometimes, my opinion is strong.
Dan - timing belt on my car sounds like it could use a change. I'll get in touch with my plummer / floor technician and see if he can give me your number.
Triz...enjoyed our conversation today. I hope you like this next post...
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