Deep Enough to Dream

I had a dream last night that I was with Angela and Dom and we walked outside of the K-Life house and saw a picture of Jesus up in the sky with several rainbows stacked up on top of each other (I think there were actually 7). I said, Guys, that is SO cool! And then it hit me and I started jumping up and down yelling, "Wait! It's the glorious appearing! Jesus is coming back!" And then I got nervous because there was still more I wanted to accomplish with my life but just as I was thinking that, someone said, "It's ok. We still have two more years on earth." And God was walking around surveying everything, much like a President will after a natural disaster strikes, and I got to shake his hand, but He threw me off cause he did a "cool guy" shake instead of a normal shake. And then I remembered that Dylan was inside sleeping and I needed to go wake him because he was missing the town meeting Jesus was conducting. Somewhere in there, Angela and Dom and I all did a standing spoon. And that was my dream. It's cool because I've always loved the Chris Rice song "Deep Enough to Dream" and now, I kind of have a dream of my own like that. I like it.
Cool dream...I am excited but also nervous about Christ's return - I need to look up the passage, but there is a verse where Jesus repremands someone who is eager for his return. Repremand is probably not the right word...Jesus more just puts things into a realistic perspective. The baisc jist is that Jesus says it will be a harsh day - excuse me, do you know where that weight roo...i mean verse is in the bible? I'll check it out!
Drinks sometime this week? I'll check it out...wait that line doesn't fit, ugh, idiot!!
I love that song too BeeJay!!! SUCH a good one. I'm glad you're home from CO now. And I'm also glad you're around to tell me what's normal or not =) oxoxoxoxo
drinks = awesome. (as long as you stop trying to place too-cool movie lines in regular conversation) probably thursday night would be best. Let me know what you think.
triz, you'd be surprised how good it feels to be normal. "you know we don't care at all that we see you up against the wall..."
you are SUCH a brat!!
wow, I haven't thought about that song in so long. I miss your white rapper chick stylings.
I've decided not to be lured into any new experiences ever again...
Well, damn straight I'll be there in spirit!!!!! I wish I were going too, beej. I knew all along that I would love to go, but I just didn't see it in the cards for me... I mean, consider: I owe $3200 for this semester's classes. I have $3400 in my checking account. And I still have to buy books. So you see, I guess it worked out for the best, eh? But I do wish I could go... I know you'll have a blast and I hope you'll really enjoy yourself. love you.
Thanks for being available last night...that was the worst news I have ever heard in my life. It's funny, you just never know what's going on in your heart until something like that exposes it. I suppose its good that I know how I feel - I just wish I didn't feel that way. I'm glad you're out there...I lost one best friend, if I ever lost two - I think I'd crumble
Que Michael W. Smith: "And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never, cause the welcome will not end. Though it's hard to let you go off to Boston still I know....that a lifetime's not too long to live as friends." Oh, where's Schwendo when I need her?
Don't worry, Ty. I'm not going anywhere. Remember you tried to lose me once.....but I stood my ground. ;) Make the decision and the emotions will follow! I'm praying for you, friend.
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