The Answer

I bought a new hat today for one dollar. That’s right. I thought it was going to cost me two dollars and at the cash register, it rang up as one. Hot dog.
I am supposed to be practicing my guitar right now. I am in a small group for worship leaders at church and I am supposed to lead tomorrow night. I am very easily frustrated when it comes to the guitar. Not playing the guitar, per se…. If I fiddle around with it enough, I can generally figure out how to play the thing. It’s when I try to play AND sing at the same time. I for the LIFE of me cannot do it. And it’s really getting old. I’ve been trying for years to play the piano and sing at the same time…all to no avail. I thought the guitar would be easier. I thought wrong. It pains me.
I had such a wonderful 4 day weekend in sunny Minnesota. It was one of those weekends where I was sad on Thursday evening because I knew I only had 3 days left. On Friday, I didn’t want Saturday to come because I didn’t want it to be more than half over. I even enjoyed every minute of the car rides….both there and back. That’s a rarity. I laughed a lot, danced a lot, and got better at my shimmy. I will say the two highlights the reception were Greg and I doing a stunning visual interpretation of “When I see you Smile” by Bad English and they way everyone went crazy when they played “Anything For Love” by Meatloaf. Also, Dylan and I had some fun stirring up trouble at a different reception, but that’s all I’ll say about that for now.
And because I made a deal, I will post this. Thanks to Becky (DAUM), fun can be had by all. I’ll post what she said about me in the comments. I think that’s how this is supposed to work. Peace. I’m out.
1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll pick a flavor/color of jello to wrestle with you in.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
Here's what Becky responded with to me....
1. I love it when you whisper (aka e-mail) sweet Spanish nothings about your lomo.
2. "More Than A Friend" by some girl... you sang it for the CCF Talent Show one year.
3. Lemonjello.
4. I am conquering my BLE! Soon my BL will be the E of others!
5. Mmm... I don't know what my FIRST memory of you is, probably singing at CCF or something. But my BEST memory of you is that day we went to Thousand Hills beach together. I had SUCH a good time just hanging out with you that day.
6. *Panther.
7. Do you know how trully beautiful you are, in every sense of the word?
(She really did write that last one. I promise. Now join the fun. Maybe I'll say something nice about you too! Unless your name is Tyler. I make no promises if that be the case.)
my name is not Tyler, but I do live in Boston... will you still say something nice about me?
(geez, nothing like begging for a compliment!)
1.) Trizzle
2.) "Your Body Is a Wonderland" by John Mayer. OR "The Song of Solomon" by God and Solomon =). Oh, also "Lovely Day" by Out of Eden.
3.) Purple, because that's my favorite color!
4.) Beej, let me tell you about this dream I had that you were in...
5.) Sitting on a window seat at Violette Hall as sophomores, discussing our plans to be roommates the following year!
6.) An monkey, duh.
7.) Why the hell aren't you taking the free ride to law school at NYU, you tool? did it backwards! I'm supposed to say stuff about you!!! Stay tuned....
1. WELCOME!!! You're the coolest well-rounded politically minded person I've ever known. You might tie only with Kevin Beckner.
2. Song: "There's something women like about a pickup man."
3. Hmmm... basically any flavor that's been spiked with tobasco sauce.
4. "ok, ok.... First of all, his NAME is CHUCK!!! AND....he loves JOHN DEER!!! I mean, seriously!!! Who is this guy??"
5. I don't know what my FIRST memory of you is, but I can guarantuee you that I love the fact that my most current memory of you involves a spelunking head lamp.
6. A mounted deer head. Maybe even like a 4 point buck.
7. Do you remember exactly where you were when you heard Reagan was shot?
8. Post it.
1. Your lack of ability to self-regulate your body temperature in accordance with everyone elses' drives me crazy.
2. Cupid and Kate. Bleh.
3. Tapioca pudding. (Jello makes pudding too.)
4. Snow dipped candy canes are my favorite.
5. Trying to be quite downstairs while watching "Lep in the Hood" cause you were upstairs asleep. Trying to ignore the rats running over your head in the ceeling.
6. A Farret
7. Why don't you understand half of the things I say???
BJ...what is this about free law school at NY? you could be 4hrs away instead of 24...what's the deal?
alright my turn now - I answer these questions and then you back? is this how this works?
1) Batman, for whatever reason...maybe cause i talked you into seeing it and it totally rocked! or wait, was that star ways, well anyway...It's not who I am - but what I do, that defines me
2) We already wrestled in mud, and I won, now jello too?
3) Just to see you smile ;)
4) You walking into Chatlos's class...first time i felt something -
5) To this day i can't think of an animal you remind me of
Augh, crap, I just realized my numbers are all off!! like one of those tests when you get done and there's one bubble left...i hate that
7) when will you rise to the occasion that is "you?"
Thus sayeth the Tyler!!
p.s. you totally deleted my comment about the hair and working out
1. I saw an interesting article today on that I thought you would be interested in.
2. "If I was invisible..." And the movie "labrinth". Something about david bowie and the tights....
3. I won, you fool, and I have the photos to prove it.
4. Choose a color
5. see #4.
6. camelian
7. How long will it be before I see you on Oprah as her newest form of Nate Berkus? Also - what comment are you talking about? I didn't delete anything. Especially if it was a compliment..... You should know me better than that!
1. YAY!!! You make make me laugh like no one else can. That is a good thing.
2. Notting Hill.... cause of the curly red-headed girl named Tessa
3. Beef. Just to sick you out.
4. Sure. I'll go on a walk with you and Audrey in the morning. Just come wake me up.....
5. Seeing you and Kristin on move in day - I was like, "Snap. They know each other. I'm such a loser already!"
6. Hyena.
7. Why in the world did you think I was talking about Ryan when I was actually describing the way Pumpkin would clean himself on the front desk? How did that ever, even if only for a split second, make sense in your mind???
8. I can't check on you since livejournal is "tasteless" and "filtered". I'm trusting you to post it! i just leave a comment with my name? this is way confusing. so here i am. bercos.
i hope i get something fun now.
Yeah beej, this is a really weird and confusing format to do things in. No wonder everyone's doing it wrong.
Sorry that "webel" stole your opening line. It was great and I was out of ideas...
Jocelyn said:
As tasteless as I am, I posted! Thanks for the laughs! Miss you!
1. No one wears a couch pouch quite like you can.
2. songs: "She ain't nothin' but a hoochie mama, hood rat hood rat hoochie mama..." "In da club" "Revolution" "Penny for your thoughts" Movie: waiting for guffman
3. soy
4. I would say something about the dreamland express, but you blew our cover!!! Instead, I will just say in an eerily creepy voice through the closet... "I'll get you my prescious....."
5. refusing to be your friend because our sisters were convinced we would be awesome friends. man. we showed them wrong.
6. praying mantis
7. What really goes on inside your head? I mean, seriously. You boggle my mind in amazing ways.
8. If dreams were pennies, I'd be your piggy bank. Post it.
Triz--- The thing is, I think you were the one who confused everyone. But it's ok cause I like people saying stuff about me too. :)
Jocy---Don't forget. Next week, mdubbs represent. it will be a whoop-holla of a good time. :)
Comments ... tons of comments
I don't know if you're still checking this post, but...
BECKY (***DAUM***) :-D
Who's the guy I don't recognize in this picture????
BJ!!! - oh my goodness - I haven't talked to you in forever!!! It's Jennifer Pruett - now Tygret! I got married this year and now living in Colorado - and anyway, I would LOVE to talk to you sometime! Soooo, if you get a chance, email me!
I hope to hear from you soon!
love!!! jennifer
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