Deep Enough to Dream

I had a dream last night that I was with Angela and Dom and we walked outside of the K-Life house and saw a picture of Jesus up in the sky with several rainbows stacked up on top of each other (I think there were actually 7). I said, Guys, that is SO cool! And then it hit me and I started jumping up and down yelling, "Wait! It's the glorious appearing! Jesus is coming back!" And then I got nervous because there was still more I wanted to accomplish with my life but just as I was thinking that, someone said, "It's ok. We still have two more years on earth." And God was walking around surveying everything, much like a President will after a natural disaster strikes, and I got to shake his hand, but He threw me off cause he did a "cool guy" shake instead of a normal shake. And then I remembered that Dylan was inside sleeping and I needed to go wake him because he was missing the town meeting Jesus was conducting. Somewhere in there, Angela and Dom and I all did a standing spoon. And that was my dream. It's cool because I've always loved the Chris Rice song "Deep Enough to Dream" and now, I kind of have a dream of my own like that. I like it.