Not To Us

A lot of times when I feel the Lord prompting me to do something, I procrastinate. Especially if it is something I am not excited about, something that requires me to humble myself, something that asks me to put others before myself, something that says I must lay down my pride and simply trust him. All of this is typically very hard for me and it takes a while of knowing what I should do before I actually act. And once the decision has been made to be faithful to Him in His request of me, I make myself feel better by thinking that following His desires will a) make me feel better and b) fix everything.
That is not always the case.
What if the Lord requires something from me, something I don't want to do, simply because it brings Him glory? What if I won't feel better? What if it doesn't fix everything? What if the results actually make me feel a little worse than I did before I acted? If I knew all this before hand, would I still be faithful to His calling?
Probably not.
I think sometimes we have such a desire to be blessed that we assume that everything the Lord asks us to do will shower immediate grace and blessings. And sometimes, that is simply not the case. Sometimes, the very thing we are most afraid of happening is exactly what the Lord brings about after we follow his prompting. (Something Jonah experienced great frustration over.)
Does that mean He is any less God?
Does that mean we are any less loved?
Not at all.
Does that mean his desires to bless us are failing?
Never in a million years.
However, knowing these answers, these truths, does it make any of this easier?
Unfortunately not.
BUT, dear friends, in the long run, is it worth it?
I have loved Hebrews 12 for quite a while now, but something that's just stuck with me recently is how it talks about when we submit to the Lord's discipline, it allows our spirits to live. Going through these trials, these testers.... it is so that a "harvest of righteousness" can be fostered within us so that we continuously grow in His love, reflecting His glory.
And THAT, my friends, is a blessing worth holding onto. Even when I don't feel the blessing for being faithful in the moment, I can rest in God's promise that through my trust, through my obedience, through my steadfastness to His commands, my life, my future, my spirit has been blessed. Praise the Lord for His unfailing love!
I'm the guy in the picture, and I couldn't have asked to have that image associated with a nicer blog post. I'm sorry it took me three years to discover it.
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