Blessed Be Your Name

Sitting here in Jonesy while Imogene naps, I thought I would share with you a glimpse into the heart of this dear woman. This is what she said to us with tears in her eyes last night, after my mom and I arrived and as Drew was taking a break from moving in the house next door.....
"The Good Lord has brought this all together so perfectly. He's painted a picture so perfect - more beautiful than any other picture ever before!"
She was released from the hospital today so we are back at home trying to get her back into her routine. She is absolutely lovely. And it is good to be here.
I thought I would share with you a reason exactly why Imogene is so lovely. Tonight, I was just chatting with her about the recent events. You need to know that her short-term memory is fading fast; she introduced me to the same nurse at the hospital about 10-15 times this morning. I can't even begin to tell you how many times she's gotten choked up over how blessed and loved she feels and how greatful she is for her family. Tonight, when talking with her, she said, "You know, BJ, for years I've been praying for the Good Lord to give me an opportunity to bring His name into my daily conversation with people in a manner which won't make me sound preachy or turn people off. I just want to spread His love. This time I've had in the hospital has given me the opportunity to do so. I am so very thankful."
She's 84. She's a fighter. She's losing memory and body. Yet her spirit is strong. Her faith is even stronger. She has been talking about the Bible and God non stop. (Funny quote from today when talking about a family friend: "Well, he was kind of like Job in the sense that he told Satan to get thee behind him. Well, I don't think Job said that, but someone did at some point....")
Friends, please pray for my grandma. She is in pain. She is overjoyed at the thought of meeting Jesus and Grandpa Max at the gates of heaven, but she is saddened at the thought of leaving her loved ones behind. Her main concern in this time is that she not become spoiled or selfish and that she would never take anyone or anything for granted. She breathes love for her Maker. She cries tears of thankfulness and joy. And she is an absolute joy to serve. I don't know how long she has left; whether it be months or years. I do know that right now, with her is exactly where I need to be.