Ain't No Mountain High

Lately, it has been really blowing my mind the lengths God will go to in order to prove His Love. As if it's even necessary.
A month ago, my 84 year old grandma was living alone, fairly ill, and avoiding assisted living facilities at all costs. Within the last two weeks, a nurse has been hired to stay with her 12 hours a day. Apparently, she has been cooking for my grandma, keeping things tidy, and taking care of both her physical being and emotional wellness by keeping her company. My grandma also went to the doctor last week and got some news / medication that has "given her hope for the first time in 6 months" that she can begin to feel better. In two weeks, my cousin and his wife will move into the house next door to my grandma (which conveniently enough just happened to open up at this time of her great need) to be near her and care for her. I will be making a trip down within the next month to see if there is a need for me to live with her and help her and keep her company.
God LOVES my grandma. He wants her to be HAPPY. He wants her to be CARED FOR. He wants her to feel LOVE. He has opened doors for the house next door to her to be available so her FAVORITE grandchild can move in. (That would be my cousin, Drew. And God bless him, he LOVES that woman.) He has changed my heart and put within me such a desire to care for her and love her. He is working it out to where it looks like she won't have to leave her home, a move that we all think would essentially kill her. He LOVES her.
And I am blessed to be a witness to it.
So, with all that said and done, the weekend was a blessing to see God's faithfulness carry through to fruition the promises He has made to Emily. It was amazing to see such a faithful and honest heart be rewarded with a man who will live his life to bring her Honor. It has been wonderful to have a front row seat at watching God work out the details for my grandma. It is so very fun to live the life that I do.
I am one blessed girl.