Walk With Me

The picture above is peaceful. I could sit by this stream forever, drinking from the life it offers, enjoying the surroundings and letting the world pass me by. This valley and I just fit. I see the mountain and I recognize its purpose, its majesty. I think about climbing it; I may even venture to do so, following in the footsteps of hikers past. But upon reaching the top, would I ever venture down the other side? The side considered "back country hiking" with no visible trail, meant only for the experienced, trained and passionate? A few friends tried that 3 summers ago when hiking CC and Y. 36 hours after leaving the trail head and 2 helicopter searches later, they were found 6 hours away by car. I myself almost walked right off a cliff once trying to do much of the same.
All this to say, I'm sure the other side of the mountain has a lovely valley as well. I'm sure it has a peaceful stream for me to sit beside and watch the world pass. I'm sure the hike will be well worth the view at the top.
The question is this: is this mountain mine for the conquering?
And if it is, will I be trusting enough to tempt the fate of the unknown yet again?
i hope that scripture didn't freak you out. I had just got back from a run and was stretching in front of the TV. Playing was a sermon from Faith Church in STL. I heard that verse and felt like i had to send it to you. I wasn't sure what it was going to mean for you, and I was acutally nervous sending it. But I feel God has purpose for you in those words, and wanted you to hear them. love you lots
Mmm... very good analogy, and deep stuff. Not every problem is ours to solve, and not every need is ours to fill. The trouble is discrening which is which. I am praying for you, and I'm excited to see what your next mountain turns out to be.
And you should comment on my blog.
Dang it... I meant "discerning."
You know, I don't know if I could sit by that stream forever....the grass is all gone, it looks like rocky desert with some ebola floating around - originating from upstream. Point being, I think it's time to pack up and go over the mountain...no metaphors, no analogies, just freakin' go - you know it's your destiny!
Boston has some pretty good streams, mountains, harbors, lighthouses, boys, whatever else you could want.
You know who this is (alias Andebos) - time to anty up and play...I'll see you in a few days, grab a beer on Friday? Don't make plans and don't go out of town
go to my blog and read my new fairy tale!!!
BJ, Give Boston a visit for a long weekend. All it would cost is the air fare. It would give you and idea of a different place and a guide to show it to you! I will be praying for you and help for you in what to do!
your wedding is coming up soon, right? i keep forgetting to ask mikki when you set the date for. but i think it is soon. i wonder if "cold feet" is playing into all of these mountain ponderings?
ha ha ha... yeah. my wedding. we had to call it off. the bastard got me a fake diamond.
thanks for the prayers, bl. i'm sure i'll see you in the next week and we can chat. i look forward to being in your house... it is always so peacful. see you soon. :)
aw shoot, dawg!
maybe you should move to colo-pretty to grieve your lost love. there's always room in the basement at harjes haus while you settle in . . .
i'm just sayin'!
Girl, i've HEARD about what goes on in your basement!!! sign me up!!!
oh yeah! that's right!
bj, i think you'd be HOT in colo-pretty! especially among our group of friends since all the single boys are in their 30's and have been waiting far too long to . . .
hmmm... maybe i'll puruse the options when i'm out there with the fam in July. You can never go wrong with single, 30, and desparate.... ;)
when are you coming to town? will the whole fam-damnly be doing up to estes for your anual trip? will mikki be with you?
and . . . you jest about single, 30 and desperate men . . . but i tell you what, it is the difference between "I don't know, you're just not what I'm looking for . . . i am not ready to get married yet . . . blah blah blah blah . . . " VS. "hey, you're great and I'm great so let's be great together and i really llike you so when i say i am going to call i am actually going to call because i am tired of being alone and i want to get me some and i am tired of horsin' around and waiting." and that is how i got married.
cara, you're hilarious. I am pretty sure we should be able to hang. Would you venture up to Estes? I think I will only be there for the weekend, but mik and dan are going to be there a few days longer than me I think. if you come, and please do, maybe we can sing the "Big O, Little K" song.... :)
i bet we can make that happen. herb bought a mini cooper this year so anything wrapped in a road trip gives him an excuse to "go motorin'!"
Fake ring huh? Yeah right, girl cheated on me - something about being in love with a orangutang or some nonesense like that. That ring was bling bling
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