Life got in the way

I love Fall with a passion. It is without a doubt my favorite time of year. Everything about it makes me smile. The colors, the crispness of the night air, the smell of burning leaves, the hints of Christmas, night time football games..... everything! The other seasons all have great things to offer as well, but in my book, Fall will always be number one! But since summer is slowly taking a bow, I will pay tribute to it with a top 5 list of things I did this summer.
1. Spend quality time with friends I don't see on a day to day basis.
2. Make cupcakes with my neice.
3. Look through old family photos of my sisters and I growing up.
4. Go for a walk at night in the mountains while it was raining.
5. Watch a 2 year old boy chase his bowling ball down the alley with his dad chasing after him only to watch both of them fall flat on their backs.
There you go. I know that's only 5 but that's good for now. I've really enjoyed my summer and have learned a great deal about how to be content where I am. I'm still learning and it's not always the easiest lessons when there are so many things I want out of life, but patience is a dear virtue and I am only 24. The best, my friends, is yet to come.