I Choose You

I hope this fine Monday of student teaching goes well for you. This is a verse the Lord showed me yesterday that has given me great encouragement….
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. " Proverbs 4:18
If you think about it, it is so cool. You and I… we're children of the Most High God. We have been called righteous according to His purpose. Therefore, this verse directly applies to both of us. Our path of righteousness… it began when we accepted him into our lives as Lord and Savior.… as we began a walk. It was at that moment that our life was at the darkest point it would ever see. (Scientific fact that it is the darkest point of the night just before the dawn breaks…) from that moment, each step in my path, each day of my life has been walked with more and more light shed upon me from Our Lord. And it will continue to be that way until the return of our King. No matter what darkness may try to creep in at me, no matter what loops are thrown my way to deter me from the race set before me… Each day is promised to contain more light in it than the day before.
That may not mean that each day gets easier… or that each day gets better…. Sometimes the sun beats down with such intensity that it is hard to be outside. No one likes to sweat. Yet you cannot deny the beauty the sun - at the peak of the day - the benefit it brings to nourish the earth. It's also interesting that as the sun climbs higher into the sky, the shadows (the darkness) around you shrinks more and more until the full light of day (noon), there is no shadow. Each day in our walk of righteousness, the shadows become smaller and smaller, till one day, we will stand in the direct presence of the Son, in all His glory, with the promise of His Hope finally revealed in the paths our lives took; the way He made Himself known to us and through us through the course of our lives.
And with you and me, friend, the response will be…. "Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share in my master's happiness." By the grace of God, that will be my greeting upon coming face to face with the Glory of God revealed. Because, my friend, we have been equipped with everything we need through Christ Jesus our Lord to continue in the fight for His Glory. And today, I will Choose Him. By the Grace of God, tomorrow, I will as well. Each day, my path shining brighter than the day before. Not because it gets easier, but because I gain more and more of a heavenly perspective than the day before. My eyes are set on the Throne. I pray that as I walk steadfastly forward, others around me will notice my gaze, follow it, and too be enchanted by the love of our Lord.
:) these words are more for me than for you. You just happened to be here when I thought through them….