
I received a verbal lashing yesterday. Apparently, feelings get hurt when links are deleted from my list of favorites. Apparently, the importance does not lay with whether or not the deleted link has been updated (which it hasn't for almost SIX months now). Apparently, my love is completely conditional, dependent upon whether or not you update your blog. Let this be a lesson to you all. If you want me to love you, you will update.
Cos, I've re-added you. But on a probationary basis. It is for the good of the masses that I demand you update. A life with insight as good as yours deserves to be told. In the mean time, please accept this hasty limerick as a heartfelt apology.
There once was a girl named Kristi
Who could be at times quite risky
I broke her heart
With an inadvertent dart.
My dear, would you please forgive me?
I have to point out that Ali hadn't blogged for even longer and she remained on the list! Fight Fight! Delete them all!!! Let Hell sort em out!!
b'cos is an abomination to all bloggers -- delete her!
You write the best limericks.
PS You don't link to MY journal either! I have been an updating fool lately! I know LiveJournal's not "tasteful" in Cerner's eyes but come on Beej! Show a Super some love, knowhatimsayin?
You always make me laugh! If I bought a red Radio Flyer Wagon, would you get in. Come on? I'm not asking much, just a lifetime of B.J. fueling laughter in my life. Caleb will help pull.
Hmmmm...I'm gonna plan another girls night. we come..
I, too, feel neglected. :P
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