The Good Kind

My boss is absolutely amazing. Just when I thought I was going to have to miss the event that I've been looking forward to for WEEKS because no one could go with me, he pulled through.
The Wreckers were in concert last night in KC. Many friends had talked about going with me but for one reason or another all couldn't. I went home from work last night and mowed my grass, listening to them on my iPod the whole time, pretending it was live. I came in and showered and resigned myself to watch a Grey's Anatomy rerun while I waited for Amanda to come over.
At 8:10, Dan, who was out to dinner with some people, called to see if I had made it to the concert. When I said no, he asked if I still wanted to go. Um..... YES!!! So we both scrambled to get to Harrah's, making it there just in time to see the opening act walk off stage, which in my mind is perfect timing! Not only did Dan cut his evening short to make mine better, he also PAID for both my ticket AND my drinks.
He tried to blow off his chivalry of the evening by saying that it was simply on his way to Diamond Joes where they have a TBone special on Thursdays. I know the truth, my friends, and the secret is out. Dan really is a nice guy. :)
well, what else would you expect from the future mr. tomlinson???
I've invited you to coffee with some other girlfriends. Check your e-mail. I hope you can come sweet one! : )
Maybe you should stop trying to pimp your boss out to everyone else, and just marry him yourself!
See you Saturday!!!!!
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