Marry Me

Throughout the years my family has teased and friends have asked, and my heart never fully realized the truth. Yet, in the past few months something has appeared that wasn't there before, the appearance of my best friend. At long last Tyler and I are now engaged, "unbelievable" as he would say! Love is how I express it. I don't know what to say! I'm so happy! I'll write more later, right now we both just want to enjoy this moment forever!!!
You know what Tyler and I enjoy most about the first of every month, especially the first of April? Because you realize who all the "fools" are! Ha Ha
whatever, girlfriend. I was like "A: that's not going to happen. and B: she so would have called me." Not to mention April 1st is my dad's b-day, it hardly goes unnoticed in my house. But I got my family good. I told them I was expecting, and everyone fell for it. well, except Jim, Nick, and Becky who were in on it. Mandy was about to cry and my mom was screaming in excitement. Sorry mom, no baby yet. BJ's made me promise. ;)
Puh-leez... the "I'm engaged" gag has SO been done. Although I LOVE that Ali convinced the parents that she's pregnant. Good job! :-) BJ, maybe you should have tried that one instead.
I just read Tyler's post.... if I had read that one first I might have been convinced. Excellent collaboration, you two.
okay. that is just NOT NICE.
I wish I had read the comments before I texted Rach that it was VERY IMPORTANT to call me right away! Dang girl, you got me good.
You suck.
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