Because of You

On this fine day some 25 years ago, one of my most favorite friends was brought into this life. Tyler, you make me laugh, you make me think, and you make me better. So this is my salute to you - a little list I like to call, "The top 25 reasons Tyler is my friend." Evasive, I know. But enjoy! :)
You are my friend because......
Because you're a fun person to visit (scare) when on midnight walks in the rain.
Because of the night I had a bad headache and you rubbed my head instead of doing homework.
Because you took a risk on prom. And it paid off. (even though you actually ditched me while at the dance….)
Because of awkward confrontations of past mistakes at 54th street.
Because if arranged marriages were still commonplace, we would do pretty well.
Because you're not afraid to tell me how you really feel. (Even if it involves unabashed insults….)
Because of the time you held my hair back when I threw up.
Because of the boyish ways you get excited about things - like the new Superman movie.
Because of they way your hands get clammy and sweaty. It makes me laugh.
Because you go so far out of your way to make me feel loved and appreciated when I need it most. (….. Which includes countless roses, hugs AND making a way to get me a new guitar!)
Because of the way your voice gets really high-pitched and squeaky when you say, "What?!?"
Because you made the adjustment between highschool and college so much easier.
Because you're a pansy and I schooled you at mud wrestling.
Because I can school you at scrabble too.
Because you don't get mad at me when I'm honest with you.
Because out of all the people that call you, I am the one who's call you always return.
Because of the way you desperately trying to get me to come visit you.
Because you've forgiven me for the time I almost got you killed.
Because you always understand.
Because you're sneaky.
Because you still feel bad about ditching me for Des Moines.
Because you're man enough to let a handfull of girls drag you to church in pj's and Pooh slippers.
Because you believe in the gold at the end of the rainbow and you aren't afraid to take chances in order to get to that gold.
Because you would drop anything for a friend in need. (Like at New Years this year….)
…..and most importantly…..
Because of your good, honest, and loving heart that Christ's love is evident in.
You are a good man, Tyler. And I am blessed beyond words by you. Happy birthday!
BJ.. What a great tribute to my first born! I'm so very thankful he has you in his life and I know you will always be importatnt in each others lives.
Thanks, bl
p.s. he comes by the sweaty hands honestly.. mine do the same as did my Dads.. it's gross!
Thanks, undoubtedly one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. Though, I think the whole scrabble thing is kinda a fluke - just got you got the triple word scores. And I've finally come to grip with the whole "What?!" thing. What was the toll up to if we eloped? 20, 30, 40 G's? might as well do it, take the money and run huh?
you won't even come and visit me in boston...think you'd actually get married, ha ha yeah right
i like the list and am happy to know most of the stories. although i am pretty sure that ty's scrabble skills have improved with his new found wisdom (coming of age and all). too bad he's not turning fifty (for the sake of the list) i'm sure you could double the size with no problem. i love you guys.
bj, don't let ty guilt you into visiting him, i'm not going to visit him either.
no visit huh? Well, no soup for you!!
Last time I made a list like this for a boy on his birthday we got married.
xoxox your sisters old college roomate
Cara! Mikki put you up to leaving that comment, didn't she??
I just heard about your blog last night from the one and only TK and am excited you found mine!
As for the whole marriage thing, as Tyler mentioned, it comes with a pretty nice pay incentive. So, we may just have to see... :) (ty... I think the combined elopement and "marry tyler" incentive, the grand total is 35. I don't know, though. after the guitar thing, ortrie might have upped the anty....)
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and one more thing . . .
i don't even know what to do with this sexy picture of you.
are you old enough to be so hot?
no she absolutely did NOT put me up to this! i just say what i know. and i know that on July 9th, 2004 I wrote such a list for Herb. On July 11th, he fake kissed me. On August 6th we had our first psudo-date. On August 14th, our first real date. August 18th, the "DTR". Late September the first kiss (complete with projectile vomiting from yours truly . . . darn nerves). From there, it was a whirlwind. "i love you" in November . . . . referring to "when we get married" in Jaunary. "Will you be my wife" in July . . . and finally "you may kiss the bride" in November of 2005.
And there wasn't even a dowery as incentive for us.
That's all I'm sayin'!
I like your blog. your text beege, no response, plead the 5th - it's your list - did I get you anything for your birthday? Wait a minute, that's right, I actually called you on your birthday...which you didn't! jk, liked the, that's all I'm sayin' ;)
hey beej....i've got an idea...COME TO KVILLE THIS WEEKEND AND SEE ME THERE!!!!
One must wonder...what was the deleted comment? hmm, what a mystereee
by the way, ty.... you only accidentially called me on my birthday. so, no credit on that one. you just happened to luck out.
i love you bj!
your rock!
p.s. you are beautiful in that picture.
A call is a call...and I have two words "A Freakin' Guitar!" Okay that was 3 words...jk, that guitar isn't collateral, but it could be ;)
Collateral for a freakin' back rub that's years coming? Kind of a long time, may have to start throwing some interest on that, what do you think? sucker
oh yeah, JACK BAUER RULES!!!!!
So BJ when are you going to visit my lonely son in Boston?
Flights are cheap I booked him 3 last week!
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