Winter Wonderland

Speaking of the weekend, lets just say I am excited. Going to the 'ville for some much anticipated times with friends in celebration of my and Laura's birthday. Plans include a stop over at the Daum's festive Christmas hut, fun times at Smitty's with Bercos and Tab, hanging out at Emily's, seeing Narnia with a DEAR Friend, hopefully getting to see my old bible study girls, and then dinner at the Vaq followed by WORLDS of Leisurely fun. Bowling. I am excited. Many are the friends I hope to see. Mad props to the Frickster for taking a hit and willingly looking like a dork with me. May the Lord bless her for such friendship in action.
I would prefer the use of "bungalow" insted of "hut." It sounds more "cute little newlywed place of happiness" and less "bums live here and they built it themselves."
*editors note*
Please change the adjective regarding the Daum's home to "bunghole" rather than "hut".
There you go, Becky. Sorry for the confusion. ;)
I feel oddly weird using "Bunghole" and Jason Daum in the same's like mixing light and dark, saltiness with unsaltiness, pizza and beer!! wait, throw out that last one, rock on Daum's, rock on - bunghole my bungalow
Tyler, that was hilarious. I for real laughed. And I don't laugh at people's comments often. I'm not sure what part's so funny. I just liked it. Nice.
To anyone who will listen: What has my life become? Isn't it law of life that if you visit 3 or more bars named "Smitty's" in one calendar year, you are officially a hoosier? To that end, I am a hoosier as of this Friday night. I can't fight I welcome my new destiny.
K-ville, here I come...I'm so excited too Beej! YAY! (I don't like spelling it that way, but you do, so I thought I would succumb to your habits. Also, is writing it as 'yea' more like 'Yea though I walk through the valley...' rather than a shout of cheer? And 'yeah' is 'ya' right? Let me know...) And I digress...
In the words of a wise, recently married man, peace and turkey grease...
I'm going to go ahead and assume that was a typo on your part, Beej... just cuz it's almost your birthday....
So the snow hit us today...started at 7am, which is too late to get out of school, came down like a constant blanket until noon, when it switched to sleet/snow/rain...whatever - and then snowed from 1 to 4 and it's just now stopped. And the highlight, which I have never seen - huge snow with a lightning freakin' out!! and me lying through my teeth saying, "oh this is nothing!" luckily none of them know MO very much - I was just waiting for someone to say, you're from KC, what do you know!? worst part, now I gotta walk 25min in the snow...with no boots, blah - and I wanted snow! actually, I wanted a snow day, not snow - well, maybe snow, or cash money!!
Ha HA!! I strike again!! Victory is Mine!!
Tyler!!! You are SUCH A dork! Stop messing with my links. Not only does it make perfect SENSE for Ali to be #1, it is also ALPHABETICAL!!!! that's it. You're out of the circle of trust. Password changed.
Wow, taken off completely - man oh man...gonna take a lot for me to get back on the list I bet, what could I do to get back on?
I'll have to think about it
okay, no more foolin' around - I'm off the list, but appears I'm back on - thanks Santa (musta been good this year, the whole guitar thing and all) so I'll be good from now on if you'll be good too!!
betcha wonder how I did that
what the H??? How did you figure it out?? Whatever. It's a truce. I'm done. And impressed.
I sparked the fuel for this "blog" fire in the beginning - there's no reason for mistrust, look at the wonderful fruit that has been born, I'm entitled to a little joking from time to time - ain't I? not a lot, just a lil' bit ;)
you want the password to my blog?
I know how you figured it out, Gal-Pal. You also know the password to BJ's e-mail account. So when she changed her blog password, you had it mailed to her e-mail account, under the pretense of "I forgot my password." Then you checked her e-mail before she got to it, got the new password, and deleted all traces of the e-mail before she ever saw it.
You're smooth friend, smooth - but did you have the gall to pull it off? That's what separates the shirts from the blouses!!
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